So, I have 2 kids and their birthdays are 8 days (and 9 years) apart. Savannah will be 5 on September 29th and Cole will be 14 (14!) on October 7th. Both of them LOVE when I knit them stuff, so I decided to knit them both a Flax Light Sweater. I’m knitting both of them in Knit Picks Stroll Tonal because it’s extremely soft, durable and machine washable, which is important when knitting for kids.
Savannah’s, which I finished this morning, was knit in ‘Blue Violet’. She says she loves it and she must because she is refusing to take it off.
Cole’s will be knit in ‘Orbit’, which I had to order and it should be here tomorrow. I had asked him what color he wanted, fully expecting to be told red since that has been his favorite color since I can remember, but he told me to pick. My husband suggested blue because “Cole looks good in blue”. So, the boy has no idea what pattern I have planned on using OR what color I ordered, so, it will be a complete surprise for him. And unlike his sister, I can work on his while he is at school, so I’ll be able to surprise him with it on his actual birthday.
So, until ‘Orbit’ gets here, and when Cole is home, I’ll be back working on World Tour….maybe I’ll actually get it done this year….